Her visitation and funeral were well attended. So many showed their love for her and for us. Add to the sadness of that my worst days of my chemo and it was really a hard time for me. I am truly trying to dwell on the happy times we had and picture her laughing and having fun with us. I am so very glad we four sisters went on the riverboat trip with Dad last fall. What wonderful memories we have of that! Look at us laughing here! We always said we'd be heartbroken when one of the four of us passed, we just never thought it would be so soon! I've come to realize that you are never ready to give up one you love!
I did have a good week after that, physically. I was able to go to three Christmas lunches/suppers with friends. My wonderful friend Ginny knitted me this beautiful toboggan and I found a scarf that just matches to wrap around it. I will enjoy the toboggan all winter!

This past week my sister-in-law Mary Ann came to be with me and to take me to my last "ugly" treatment. I call these first four treatments that because they are supposed to be the roughest ones! I got that over on Thursday and had my follow-up shot on Friday. I hated to see Mary Ann leave on Saturday!! I always enjoy having her with us! But Saturday and Sunday were my "hard" days when I just wanted to rest, so I took it easy. Today (Monday) I am feeling somewhat stronger.
I get a three week break and start on the next drug Taxol on 1/2/15. That happens to be Frank's and my anniversary, so not the way of choice to spend our anniversary. I will have 12 these treatments, one each week. Am not looking forward to that except that it moves me along on the journey of healing to the end of all this.
Again with our loss, our church family and friends have been remarkable and have covered us with love and caring. I continue to be amazed at how wonderfully people are there to comfort us. Frank and I could not do this alone! So thank you to all of you for your many ways you surround us with love!
Have the merriest of Christmases this year. Ours will surely be different and not as merry, but we will think happy thoughts. I will be back with you at New Years!
Love to all, Laura