My verse....

"I will still be joyful and glad, because the Lord God is my savior. The Sovereign Lord gives me strength.
He makes me sure-footed as a deer and keeps me safe on the mountains."
Habakkuk 3:16-18

Monday, April 20, 2015

Broken knee setback...

Well, I was on target to start my radiation and then, for those who have not heard, on April Fools Day, April 1, I twisted my right ankle, fell and broke my left knee cap.   I know, I know, how could I do that!!  Well, it was just a bad accident.  I had dropped Gabby off at her groomers and was heading to my car when I stepped on a stone and down I went.  It was so bad I had to call an ambulance to come get me.  Of course it required surgery.  The lower half was in 5 pieces so that the doctor finally gave up trying to put them together after 45 minutes and just took them out and drilled holes in the upper knee cap half and tied it in with my tendons.  Bummer!

I spent several days in the hospital and have been convalecing at home.  Needless to say,  it has been painful but is healing.  Friday they took the 19 staples out and my incision looks good.  They want me  to go another week without bending it before I start physical therapy.  I know what is ahead of me from when I broke the other knee 18 years ago, but will get through the PT and have use of it again. 

So many of my sweet friends have surrounded me with love. I had 17 visitors at the hospital on Easter Sunday, with many bringing flowers, candy, cookies, etc.  Since then 3 friends have brought supper for us.  It is so gratifying to have so many wonderful friends.  I will never be able to thank people enough.

In the meantime, I saw my oncologist and he says I am still OK on the radiation, but wants me to start it within 6 weeks of the end of chemo.  So this Thursday I will see the Radiation Oncologist for tattooing the spot for the radiation and hope to start that next week or the following one.  My cancer treatment comes before anything to do with the knee! 

Guess I will be doing therapy and radiation treatments at the same time.  Thanks for your continues prayers.  Sometime we wonder why these things happen, but I know God has a plan.  I just hope things get back on track soon and I am not tested with any more trials.!
Love to all of you!!