We got to spend quality time with Meg and the grandchildren the Friday after Christmas. They turned me on to a new app game. Nice to have young folks keep me up to date on what's current with their age group. Here is a shot of us together. Frank was taking the shot and we could tell he was aiming the camera toward our middles. I knew Dillon was taller than I am. After multiple shots, we got so tickled that he again missed the top of Dillon's head! See us laughing in that one shot? Frank finally got a shot with all of us and our heads in it! So nice to have these fun, laughing times!
Christmas was bittersweet for my family when we got together on Sunday, 12/28. It was so hard not to have our sister Connie with us, but we had gifts she had bought for us to open, so it was like she was there with us in spirit, and this helped us with the transition. We knew Connie would insist we take as sisters picture as we always have when we all are together. Here is our first sisters picture with just 3 of us--which will be our norm now.
Here is a picture of Dad, Cynthia and I holding hands with our pink bracelets on. We all wear then all the time. This was taken on our trip to Pigeon Forge in November.
So last week I had a follow-up echo-cardiogram to see if that first round of chemo damaged my heart any, as it can do. We are happy to hear that the results were good and my heart is just like before! Yeah!!
This week I had the blood work to see if they can start the next round of chemo. This will be Taxol only (probably with some anti-nausea meds thrown in). We will have these treatments weekly for 12 weeks. Ugh! Such a long time, but we will count them down as we did those 4 in the last round. For these treatments, I have to take 5 prescription pills 12 hours before the treatment and 5 pills 6 hours before the treatment. I'm not sure what that's all about, but I do follow orders! I will ask today why I have to take these. Must be to prepare my body for this chemo.
I want to say again how very much I appreciate all the messages with well wishes, calls, cards, and prayers from our many friends. Because of my compromised immune system, Frank has been keeping me away from church and large crowds because so many folks have colds and the flu in our area. I had a really hard time breathing a week ago because of my asthma, which the chemo makes worse. So while I miss my friends terribly, I know Frank is right and I am staying in and away from germs! All my friends, please know I love you so much and miss you all!! Keep praying for me! God is with us and we feel your prayers!
So let's get on the bucking horse again and start this next round!!
Love to all of you!
Love you, Laura! Thanks so much for sharing with us!