Well, the old knee is healing and I am hobbling around pretty good. I saw the orthopedist on Monday and he was pleased with my progress. He gave me 70 degrees range of motion (but I think I can actually do 90 degrees with the knee brace off), is letting me sleep without the brace now, I can stand in the shower, I can walk without the crutches inside the house (using one when outside) and best of all, he is letting me drive now!! It will be so good to drive myself around without having to impact Frank. Of course when I get out at a store to shop (like the grocery store) it is very wearing on me and the knee tends to swell later in the day, but at least I am showing improvement!
I wanted to share pictures of the knee because it is amazing how far I've come in 6 weeks! This first one was taken on my iPhone by the EMT in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Ewee! Looks as painful as it felt! You can see the patella broken into two pieces. Broke it on April 1, but it was no April's Fool joke!
This shot was on April 3, the first time I saw it after the surgery. That's 19 staples in there! You can see the bruise, too.
This shot was on April 8, one week after I broke it! Lots of swelling!
This shot was taken April 28, after the staples had been out a week or so. I skipped alot of time taking shots, as I was more focused on healing and didn't realize I'd want to see the progress later.
And this shot was this morning. You can see the heavy, adjustable brace, but also how well the incision is healing. I will have a scar but not too bad and of course at my age, who worries about scars and their legs anymore! Ha!
When I fell, I bruised my left hand pretty badly, too. They thought at first I had broken my little finger but the x-ray showed I had not. Here are shots on April 1 of my hand, the night of the fall.
This shot shows the hand on April 7. It has done lots of healing but was still sore to use. Just glad it didn't break, too.
OK, thanks for bearing with me on the knee shots! Ha! Just documenting, folks!
I also went on Monday,May 11, to have my first radiation treatment. Unfortunately they needed to take two more x-rays for the doctor to use to set my positioning correctly, so no treatment that day. So I had my first treatment yesterday (May 12) and it was interesting and not painful. Of course I had been told I would not feel anything. I think the effects are cumulative and I will notice it more as treatments progress. I am so glad to be started with these treatments!!
I did get so tired of laying with my arms over my head for 30 minutes. I did not know all this, so I will share if you in case you did not know and are interested. They lay you on a table and make a mold of you from your shoulders up (for breast treatment radiation) and you have to have your arms over your head. They mark 3 or 4 spots and take pictures of how you are laying, and then do a CT scan. The radiation oncologist uses this to plot exactly where the treatment will be administered. Each time you go for a treatment, they position you in that mold in exactly the same position to administer your radiation. When they made my mold, they just said, "raise your arms over your head" and I thought they were going to do the CT scan--had never heard of the mold. So I was not in a comfortable position with my shoulders and every time they have taken x-rays, lined everything up, or administered my radiation, I had been in that same uncomfortable position. Guess I can stand it for 32 more times! Just wish I had been warmed that this position was to be used for a mold for my positioning. Oh, well.
I had a great Mother's Day on Sunday. Meg and Dillon and Jessica came out for lunch and to celebrate not only Mother's Day, but Dillon's 17 birthday which was last week. We had a nice visit. You might have seen these pictures on my Facebook page, but here they are again if not.
Jessica is almost as tall as Meg and of course Dillon is alot taller than Meg or me!
Just had to include a picture of me with my little sweetie Gabby. She has been with me constantly while I've been healing the broken knee, laying on the bed all those long hours with me. I don't know what I'd do without her!
Well, hope this post was not too boring for you. Just wanted to report the radiation has started, I can drive again, and my spirits are lifted!
I continue to thank God for all my many friends who had sent cards, have called, brought food, and just sat with me! I love you all more than I can express.
Smiles, Laura
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