My verse....

"I will still be joyful and glad, because the Lord God is my savior. The Sovereign Lord gives me strength.
He makes me sure-footed as a deer and keeps me safe on the mountains."
Habakkuk 3:16-18

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Still going...

Still going on the radiation treatments, that is.  Of course I am still going, too.  After I posted that last entry and had treatments through June 19, my chest was so burned (and my spirits so low because of the pain) that the oncologist suggested I take a week off before we started the last phase (of 6 treatments).  I don't think I could have taken any more had he not suggested this.  Frank was all for my quitting, because seeing the outer skin damage, he was so worried about what it might be doing to my internal organs.  We met with the dr. and he assured us all was OK internally.  He said I had actually done very well and lasted for 6 weeks when some women burned like me would ask for a break at 3 weeks.  He said I had some "nasty cancer" with many lymph nodes infected and they wanted to "hit it hard" to make sure it does not come back.  All I know is I was in real pain with burns that looked like you had sat a hot iron down on my chest.

That week off sure helped.  Here is a shot of some of the area 11 days after the last treatment.   Still looks like the point of an iron burned me in that one spot.  But it is scabbing over.  And darn it, it is up high enough that in shows in all my tops.

I still have some other pretty raw places, too, but when I saw the oncologist today, he said I was doing great and seemed like my old self again.  I decided to have a treatment today.  I will have 3 treatments this week (they will be closed Friday for the 4th), will have a 3-day rest, and then will have the final 3 treatments next week.  I will be so glad to have this over.  These last 6 do not cover my entire left chest, all the way to the clavicle, but rather just the area of the lumpectomy.  I am not sure if the dosage is the same or not, but at least it is not as wide an area! 

I also saw my orthopedist today and he is very pleased with how my knee is healing.  When the physical therapist measured my extension last week, I have 141 degrees in that knee, which is all you could ask for--outstanding!!  It is still a bit weak about my walking on it, but it is getting there!! I have 3 more therapy appointments, finishing up next Monday.  Just think, by Wednesday, I will be finished with both PT and radiation treatments.  Praise the Lord!!  He said it will be awhile--1 to 2 years--before I can kneel because of the lower area with the patella piece missing but I can just do without kneeling.  (I tried kneeling the other day to find something I thought might have rolled under the bed and yikes, pain on that spot!  Fortunately Frank volunteered to look for me.

I have some other things to go through with the oncologist.  Of course the radiation oncologist will continue to see me for awhile, he said, to see how I'm healing.  And the regular oncologist, Dr. H., will see me for the Zometa injections every three months.  But basically as my energy level comes back, I will be able to do what I want and not have so many doctor visits to make!

What I want most is to have my energy back!  I still get really tired sometimes, but as friend Pam Deacon told me, "you don't have to do ANYTHING except rest and get well."  I think of her encouragement every time I'm tired and think I SHOULD feel like doing something.  I have stopped "should-ing" myself!  You SHOULD clean the bath.  You SHOULD dust.  You SHOULD mop the floors.  No, I just have to get my energy back

On a lighter note, we have been dog sitting Gabby's sister Chelsea since June 19 and it's been so much fun to have them both here together.  Chelsea loves going for walks with us, running behind the 4-wheeler, and of course keeping me company.  Here they both are while I am posting this entry:
  These Schnauzers are loving little dogs and they stay right with their "humans".  What a joy!!  

Thanks for reading this latest entry.  And thanks for continuing to pray for me and for your cards and messages and calls.  I love each of you!!
Smiles, Laura

Friday, June 12, 2015

Two-thirds of the way through with radiation treatments...

Well, one thing you can count on: time passes!  I can remember back in April, laying in the hospital and wishing it was already June.  Wow, time seems to have passed quickly and here we are.

My knee is doing much better.  I still have some pain and walk with a slight limp, but it is improving daily.  Monday I will start physical therapy to help me do "step-over-step" when climbing steps.  That seems to be the hardest thing for me to do yet.  Right now I am "dragging" that leg up the steps.  Dr. Lemel wanted me to start therapy sooner but this is the first appointment they had in physical therapy.  So I am looking forward to that.  I don't know if I can kneel or not, but really didn't do much of that before I broke the knee and don't plan to start now.  But I can do most other things I want to do, except the steps.  I have to watch and not spend too much time standing/walking as it gets painful, but I know a few more weeks will help.  It has been 10 weeks yesterday since I broke the knee and I feel I'm on target.  Dr. Lemel is very pleased with my rotation (over 115 degrees already).

As of this morning, I was two-thirds of the way through my radiation treatments.  I had 11 of the 33 treatments yet to go, and had one of those at noon today.  I am to the point that the radiation is really burning my chest.  Here are some pictures I took 4 hours after treatment today:

Doesn't look too good, huh?  Well, at this point, this is how it gets with 5 straight treatments so thankfully I have the 2-day weekend to heal.  It will look better before they start on Monday.  And just 10 treatments to go!!  I can see the end in sight.

Had to share a selfie I just took, too.  I normally would not say this, but it looks better to add a head, right?  Ha!  I still have very short hair on top/front, so am still wearing caps.   But I can tell it's growing.  Maybe by the middle of July (when we celebrate Dad's birthday) I will begin going without a hat/cap.
Thanks for continuing to pray for me!  It means so much to me and my mental well being.  I have been reading articles on how important it is for friends and family to help keep up the spirits of a cancer person and you all have done a GREAT job of helping to cheer me!!  I love you all so much!!
Smiles, Laura

Monday, June 1, 2015

Almost half way there!

Well, a friend of mine reminded me at church yesterday that I have not posted to this blog in a bit and some of you are using it to keep up with my progress!  As of this coming Thursday, I will be half way finished with the 33 radiation treatments.  So far, so good.  They are coming along fine.  I am using hemp oil cream on my skin after each one and so far no redness or burning.  Dr. Baseman sees me every Friday after the treatment and thinks I am doing fine.  He asks me if I am feeling any fatigue.  Well, yes I am, but am not so sure that it is not from the chemo.  It takes a person a long time to get their energy back after chemo.  But I have the added issue of the broken knee and what that has taken out of me!  I'm telling you, it has been tiring to walk around with the heavy brace and with crutches.  The fatigue I am feeling is bearable and probably caused by a combination of all I've had going on this year.

I see Dr. Lemel tomorrow.  It's been 8 weeks since I broke  the knee and he is taking my healing very slowly.  I am pushing the limit, though.  He told me I could walk with the brace and one crutch out of the house and without the brace and with one crutch inside.  Well, for a couple of weeks now, I haven't worn the brace at all and am now only using my cane for walking outside and nothing to aid me inside.  Yesterday Frank and I even walked on the state road where we usually walk.  Of course I didn't go quite as far as we usually do, but still Gabby loved us walking with her after so long a time.  I can't wait to show Dr. Lemel how well the knee is doing.  (A church friend reminded me "those fellows have degrees for a reason, you know" so I hope I haven't pushed the limit too much.)  I probably am getting about 110 to 115 degrees rotation already, which is great.  But I still have pain in the knee when I walk too much or hold it in one position too long, or get up after sitting a long time, etc.  I just think I need to get started on some physical therapy to work the gluts so they are strengthened.  We'll see what Dr. Lemel tells me tomorrow!

Thanks for continuing to pray for me and to ask about my progress.  I know all this will be behind me before too long and then I can spend time getting my strength back and doing some household chores I have let go too long!

Frank and I love and thank God for all our friends!!  Keep the faith for/with us!!  And keep offering up prayers; we feel them!
Smiles, Laura