My verse....

"I will still be joyful and glad, because the Lord God is my savior. The Sovereign Lord gives me strength.
He makes me sure-footed as a deer and keeps me safe on the mountains."
Habakkuk 3:16-18

Friday, June 12, 2015

Two-thirds of the way through with radiation treatments...

Well, one thing you can count on: time passes!  I can remember back in April, laying in the hospital and wishing it was already June.  Wow, time seems to have passed quickly and here we are.

My knee is doing much better.  I still have some pain and walk with a slight limp, but it is improving daily.  Monday I will start physical therapy to help me do "step-over-step" when climbing steps.  That seems to be the hardest thing for me to do yet.  Right now I am "dragging" that leg up the steps.  Dr. Lemel wanted me to start therapy sooner but this is the first appointment they had in physical therapy.  So I am looking forward to that.  I don't know if I can kneel or not, but really didn't do much of that before I broke the knee and don't plan to start now.  But I can do most other things I want to do, except the steps.  I have to watch and not spend too much time standing/walking as it gets painful, but I know a few more weeks will help.  It has been 10 weeks yesterday since I broke the knee and I feel I'm on target.  Dr. Lemel is very pleased with my rotation (over 115 degrees already).

As of this morning, I was two-thirds of the way through my radiation treatments.  I had 11 of the 33 treatments yet to go, and had one of those at noon today.  I am to the point that the radiation is really burning my chest.  Here are some pictures I took 4 hours after treatment today:

Doesn't look too good, huh?  Well, at this point, this is how it gets with 5 straight treatments so thankfully I have the 2-day weekend to heal.  It will look better before they start on Monday.  And just 10 treatments to go!!  I can see the end in sight.

Had to share a selfie I just took, too.  I normally would not say this, but it looks better to add a head, right?  Ha!  I still have very short hair on top/front, so am still wearing caps.   But I can tell it's growing.  Maybe by the middle of July (when we celebrate Dad's birthday) I will begin going without a hat/cap.
Thanks for continuing to pray for me!  It means so much to me and my mental well being.  I have been reading articles on how important it is for friends and family to help keep up the spirits of a cancer person and you all have done a GREAT job of helping to cheer me!!  I love you all so much!!
Smiles, Laura

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